How to get hunter eyes naturally | Achieve Hunter Eyes Through Mewing

Destiny's Fated

Achieving Hunter Eyes through Mewing: A Comprehensive Guide


If you're intrigued by the captivating allure of hunter eyes and the transformative power of mewing, you're not alone. Hunter eyes, characterized by a more prominent brow ridge and a defined upper eyelid, are often associated with strength and attractiveness. In this article, we'll explore the correlation between mewing and hunter eyes, offering practical tips to help you achieve this coveted look.

Understanding Hunter Eyes:

Hunter eyes are a facial feature that many desire for their unique and commanding appearance. A well-defined brow ridge and a distinct upper eyelid contribute to the hunter eye aesthetic. While genetics play a role in facial structure, mewing, a technique developed by Dr. John Mew, suggests that proper tongue posture can positively influence facial bone development over time.

Mewing Basics:

To embark on the journey of obtaining hunter eyes through mewing, it's crucial to understand the fundamentals of the technique. Mewing involves maintaining proper tongue posture by placing the entire tongue on the roof of the mouth, with the tip resting against the incisors. This practice aims to engage and support facial muscles, potentially affecting the growth and alignment of facial bones.

Steps to Achieve Hunter Eyes through Mewing:

1. **Consistent Tongue Posture:**

   Develop the habit of keeping your tongue on the roof of your mouth throughout the day. Consistency is key for the potential benefits of mewing to take effect.

2. **Correct Swallowing Technique:**

   Pay attention to your swallowing pattern. Practice swallowing with your tongue on the roof of your mouth to encourage proper muscle engagement.

3. **Posture Awareness:**

   Maintain good overall posture, as it complements the effects of mewing on facial bone development. A straightened spine and a well-aligned head contribute to a more defined facial structure.

4. **Facial Exercises:**

   Incorporate facial exercises into your routine to target specific muscles around the eyes and forehead. This can help enhance the overall impact of mewing on your facial aesthetics.

5. **Patience and Persistence:**

   Results from mewing take time, and consistency is crucial. Be patient, as changes in facial structure may become noticeable over months or even years.



The pursuit of hunter eyes through mewing is an intriguing journey that combines proper tongue posture, facial exercises, and overall body alignment. While results vary from person to person, dedicating yourself to these practices with patience and persistence may contribute to achieving the coveted hunter eye aesthetic. As with any lifestyle change, it's advisable to consult with healthcare professionals or orthodontists for personalized guidance.

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